Storm WAter Roof Designer SWARD

SWARD is a sotfware (plugin) created to determine insolation time of indoor spaces in Rhino NURBs modeller. The sotfware (plugin) was developed and tested in Rhino for MAC, as well as in Rhino 5 under MS Windows OS.
To use it as a standalone download and unzip the following file: SWARD Standalone.
To use it as a version for Rhino download and unzip the following file: SWARD Rhino. Then run the following command in Rhino „RunPythonScript“ and point to the extracted file.

Current version: 2018.03 Standalone / 2018.02 Rhino.

Media gallery for SWARD 2018.03 Standalone:

Media gallery for SWARD 2018.02 Rhino:

* Changes may apply.